The United Service Club Queensland operates under a comprehensive set of Rules and By-Laws that comprise the Club’s Constitution. Responsibility for governance of all aspects of the Club’s operation is vested in the Club Committee. To view the list of Committee members please click on the following link - Club Committee.

Club Policies that members and their guests should be mindful of include:

Children under 18 are welcome to attend the Club. Appropriate parental supervision is required.

Cancellation Policy for Club Functions
For the purpose of final catering and staff rostering numbers, members are required to provide at least 24-hours notice of cancellation to attend a Club Function they have previously booked to attend. Failure to provide at least 24-hours notice may result in the food component for that event being charged to the member’s account.

Dress Standards
A high standard of dress is expected of members and guests when using the Club premises. To view the Club’s Dress Code please click on the following link: Dress Code.

Members are encouraged to introduce and entertain their guests at the Club. Guests are to be signed in the Visitor’s Book by their host on arrival at the Club. Guests must conform to the Rules of the Club, which currently also include COVID Safety sign in.

Mobile Telephones
Members are asked to refrain from using mobile telephones in public areas of the Club. Calls can be taken on the front Veranda & Terrace. 

Membership Cards
Members are requested to carry their membership card as proof of identity and financial status when visiting the Club. Cards should be produced when making purchases on a membership account. Replacement Cards can be requested at Reception.

Government Regulations do not permit smoking in any area of the Club including the Veranda & Terrace areas of Montpelier and the Green House, where the consumption of food or beverage is provided.



Privacy Policy

Download a copy of our Privacy Policy.


Club Rules

Download a copy of our Club Rules.


Club By-Laws

Download a copy of our Club By-Laws.
